Thursday, 3 December 2009

Kiss Prudence On Tour

Hey chicas
Kiss Prudence had a fabulous day at the Craft Candy Christmas event at the Workstation in Sheffield on 28th November. Elephants were flying off the stall like hot...elephants! KP will also be appearing at the artmix@the Loft Christmas market in Leeds on 13th December from 10am - 4pm so she is busily sewing more ellies and trying not to eat all the mini Wham bars and Haribos from her retro sweetie bags that she will be peddling at the fair.
Come and say "hello"
Love KP xx    

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

KP gets all charitable and stuff...

Kiss Prudence is taking part in the Folksy Upcycle event for Sue Ryder. See: for more details.

Upcycle Christmas is a competition for people to take second hand / charity stuff and make it into something ‘new’ and desirable to be sold at an online auction starting on the 7th December. All proceeds from the auction will go to Sue Ryder Care. Worthy cause! Gives KP a warm fuzzy feeling inside like hot water bottles with furry coats on.

Love KP xx

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

I love this cupboard...

...very much. I keep all my knick-knackery in it. Yes, I've blogged about it before but I love it so much I wanted  to show it off again . x

Friday, 24 July 2009


Eeeek! I'm published! My "dollybird" doll pattern is featured in the latest edition of Sew Hip magazine!! I'll be adding photos exciting! xx 

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Craft Candy loveliness!

Kiss Prudence was at the fantastic Craft Candy craft market at the Millennium Galleries in Sheffield on 18th July.  She met LOADS of really lovely people and bought a fantastic handmade book with a Corfe Castle tea-towel cover by the lovely Heather Dewick. Here are some pics. Next stop is Indietracks and more Lovely Eggs lovely crafty goodness....Holly and David dolls, egg cosies, fruity beauty brooches and heart badges ago-go! Choo chooooo!
Love KP xx

ps: you can also see Minty the Bunny pictured here for the lovely PinkyJane 

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

More Lovely goodies...

You can buy more Lovely Eggs lovelies here: and you can see more of my crafty goodness here:

Love KP xx

Oooh....what a lovely badge!

Hello lovelies

This is one of the badges that I made for the Lovely Eggs to sell on their UK tour to promote their new album "If You Were Fruit" which was out last week. Check them out here: 

Love KP xx 

ps: thanks for the image to Stringbean Jen who bought the badge at one of the gigs 'darn sarf'. See it in real life in situe on Flickr here: 

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Lovely stickers things...

I like these wall stickers by Sally Boyle...they are pretty!   You  can find out more here:

Love KP xx

Friday, 22 May 2009

I heart this place lots and will be staying there for a week and I am v.excited cos I have packed my stunt kite and my wet suit from Sainsburys (why have Sainsburys started selling wet suits!?) for paddling and canoodling purposes*.

 Abersoch is the best place ever in the whole world...Posh and Becks tried to buy a house there and the locals got a petition together to say "No thanks posh n are just a bit too rubbish to live here" 

Love KP xx

* canoodling actually means canoo-ing .... how do you spell that?!

Happy fiftieth birthday Morrissey you old goat...see you in Manc tonight xx

Thursday, 21 May 2009

...and here's another!

Lucky you! Here's another's a blog frenzy!
Here's a pic of that bunny again with her perky Amy Butler fabric ears and here is another pic of my fabric's an old tailor cabinet from the Headrow in Leeds from a long long time ago...xx

It's been a long time...

...since I posted anything. Life has been busy! Anyhows, here's a lovely bunny I made for my friend Bryony. I promise to be a better blogger in future and maybe post something every 6 months or so... xx