Sunday, 28 September 2008

Something old, something new...

New elephant for old friend...reacquainted via Facebook. Technological or what?!

Love KP xx

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Oh how I love...

...Jeu de Paumes books. Blooming 'eck these books are pretty. I got my first three in the post today - Children's Rooms Stockholm, London and Copenhagen. I don't even have any of the little blighters but when I see how pretty their rooms can look it kind of make me want to pro-create...then the novelty wears off! Japanese interior design books mailed from Holland about rooms in London, Copenhagen and Stockholm. That's globalisation for yer...ain't it grand?

Love KP xx

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

The bears are back in town...the bears are back in town...

I love karaoke...'specially singing karaoke classics like the boys are back in town but changing the word "boys" to "bears". KP would choose a bear over a boy any day of the week...if a bear and a boy were to have an arm wrestling match KP reckons that the bear would win hands/paws down...unless they were playing Geoff Capes who is officially the world's strongest man-beast...according to KP.

Check out my lovely bears by clicking on the images below.

I'm after a Blythe doll by the way...any hints or tips?

Love KP xx

Monday, 22 September 2008

Bears a go go

More bears!

Meet (from L - R) Matilda, Sunshine, Poley Bear and Mr Tibbs.

All for sale in my Etsy

Love KP xx

Monday, 8 September 2008

Catflap and Flatcap

Hola chicas

Flissy666 (who makes fabulous Blythe dresses on Etsy: bought Flatcap the Elephant from me on Friday and asked me to make him a kitty companion today! 

Meet Flatcap the Elephantt....

...and his new friend Catflap the Cat!

Love KP x

Sunday, 7 September 2008



I've been busy making bears recently...long legged bears.  I've just packed the grey one (Lupin) off to Nottingham to her new home. It's been a great week Etsy-wise - I've sold three elephants this week too! One of them, Butler the Elephant (the fawn coloured one), is going to live in sunny California and the other two are going to new homes in Leeds...the Calif
ornian one is a custom one for a fantastic florist called Kelsey from San exciting and glamorous! You can see her lovely work at: The grey one is going to live with Helen and her family in's a Christmas present for her son Silas. Helen makes lovely clothes under her alter ego 'Pose Like Kitty' and sells them on Etsy...see:  

I am so loving all this Etsy's totally satiating my need for creativity and the feedback I'm getting from customers is lovely...and it makes me able to justify my fabric addiction.

Love KP x